Monday, June 6, 2011

Three Essential Things To Keep In Mind When Choosing An Agent To Sell Your Home

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All real estate agents are not created equal. They may have access to the same systems, the same information and market data, similar industry tools used across the board and universal access to government agencies that house important data that may be relevant in helping you sell your home. So what sets apart the successful ones from the bad apples? It is how they use the things that are at their disposal – that is what makes all the difference.

Now, unless you are completely well versed in the process of home selling and real estate, chances are you may not know all the ins and outs of these tools. So how can you measure the success rate of potential agents you may or may not want to work with? The answer lies in three important metrics that you can easily employ to help you make that decision.

Does The Agent Have a Proven Track Record?

Anyone can tell you they are good. They can even show you a few case studies that support their statement. But the best way to tell whether the performance is up to par is to measure how they do and have done during the good times and the bad. These days, in light of our challenged market of the past several years, it is the perfect time to assess the track record of agents you may be considering. Do they have sales that average one every few months? Is this metric standard for all their years as an agent or reflective of the more recent hard times?

What Is The Agent’s Marketing Strategy?

In real estate, the marketing has traditionally not been as aggressive as other areas of investment. Lately, however, there has been an increase in more aggressive techniques that more often than not lead to success for several reasons. Agents typically adopt passive marketing measures – industry standards – such as MLS listings, conducting open houses, using the Internet for localized promotion as well as word of mouth. However, the newer brand of marketing is active marketing. This entails a “reach out and grab prospects” approach and while it may seem pushy, the results are worth it. The difference between an agent opting for both styles versus just the one, traditional method, can be as significant as landing you a better offer in quicker time with a bigger selling price. The presence of an additional offer on the table raises the stakes, making all these things possible and far more probable than if there was just one offer on the table.

What Does The List of References Look Like?

Of course you will be provided a list of references while shopping for a new agent. And of course the people on that list will have good things to say about the Realtor. But consider this: what agent will give you a list of people that don’t have something nice to say? A good way to approach what could be a gaping hole in this area is to ignore the list provided to you and instead, request a list with names of people the real estate agent is either currently working with or with whom he or she has recently closed a sale. Then, ask the key questions to help guide you whether this is the right agent for you: Are they timely? Is the agent accessible? Do they deliver on the promises they make? What were the results of each case?
At the end of the day, the goal is that you sell your property and sell it well. Selling it well can translate to a higher price, more efficiently managed procedures, smoother and streamlined process, and an overall quicker turn around time. By following the suggestions in this article, you will be able to discern the best agent in your area to handle your specific needs. Half the battle of selling your home is in choosing the right agent to help you achieve your goal.

1 comment:

  1. Estate agents are helpful in the process of home selling since they work closely with people or to other estate agents who are trying to buy homes. Yet, we should have to be careful on choosing especially online. Anyway, thanks for sharing those info!
